
1st Cladag Young Researcher Data Mining Prize

On the occasion of CLADAG 2009 hosted in Catania, it is announced the first edition of “CLADAG Young
Researcher Data Mining Prize” sponsored by SAS Institute, see

Shootout goal will be an analytical solution of a real case study.

The Competition aim is to promote transfer of novel scientific knowledge of the young researchers to the
operative world of the data mining users.

This Competition asks for a solution development of a real data mining problem from groups composed at
most of 3 young researchers.

CLADAG Young Researcher Data Mining Prize will consist in 2 prizes :
1) 4000 euro for the absolute best solution
2) 1500 euro for the best solution in terms or re-applicability

The grants will be paid as funds to those administrations winners belong to or, if the winners prefer, they will be paid
directly, in this case all taxes on the prize are the sole responsibility of the winners
Further details at

Best regards,

Salvatore Ingrassia